Various brackets and hooks.
Below; a display of hooks, many of which are also featured and offered for sale in Capton Hooks ;
- array of forged hooks
Some fixed coat hooks on a rails;
- wall mounted hat and coat hook rack
- sliding hat and coat hook
- corner detail
- detail
Some coat hooks and miscellaneous other hooks.
- coat and hat hooks
- screw fixed chunky hooks
- plain tip dresser hooks
- twist in hooks
And some movable coat hooks on a stove guard;
- flue guard overview
- hook and fixing detail
Some shelf brackets;
- shelf bracket
- shelf supports
- detail
Some large forged roof supports (design Simon Foot of Janine Stone)
- overview
- support bracket
- forging detail
A forged hook for the hanging of an electrified chandelier at Sharpham Manor. The groove in the underside of the hook routes the electric cable discreetly to the light, avoiding the all too familiar sight of festoons of cabling wrapped around the appliance.
- forged chandelier hook
- hook showing cable route