Our stoves, (with the exception of the workshop sawdust burner which can be found in the ‘shop’ section of the site), are all custom made. Their shape, style function and decoration are all designed to suit the given situation. The only constants are their sturdiness, longevity and efficiency.
It is our contention that they can hold their heads up high among the very best of the throng of mass produced stoves available today, and that as completely bespoke items they will always stand out from the crowd.
Typically our stove bodies are constructed from 6mm to 12mm plate welded or riveted together. Internal moving parts, such as dampers and draught controls above the fire are of either cast iron or appropriate grades of stainless steel to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity. Any parts with a limited life expectancy are designed to be easily and simply replaced. The fire chambers are lined with refractory brick as used in commercial kilns and hearths. The windows are either in heat proof glass or Mica (a transparent stone). Latches, handles and hinges are usually hand forged. Grates are cast iron. We can undertake, or advise on, fitting and all the necessary work around the installation of one of our stoves