Door furniture for an ecologically aware oak frame and straw bale house. The front door thumb latch illustrated below was subject to the requirement for the front door to be as nearly airtight as possible and so used a rotation of the spindle to lift the latch bar by means of a ring latch style rocker on the inside. This worked well, and my initial fear that users would find it confusing appear, one year on, to have been groundless.
The spouting whale latch keeps throughout the house salute watery and fishy connections of the client
- front door outside
- thumb latch
- operation
- front door inside
- latch arrangement
- operation
Internal door furniture. The internal doors were made from wide thin planks with the tapered ledges set into opposed tapers so that, once hung, the forces of gravity were effectively acting to tighten the planks onto the ledges. We extended this idea to the design of the strap hinges as shown below (hopefully).
- typical internal door hinge side
- lower strap
- upper strap
- detail of door construction and pintle arrangement
- latch bar
- typical internal door, pull side
- latch