A commission to make gates and screens that were at once light hearted and yet effective in suggesting to walkers, on the one hand, and the dog on the other, that the property was private. Being a small property in a built up area on the edge of town (hence the walkers) the challenge was to achieve this without turning it into a dark and incongruous Fort Knox. The herringbone design with the opposing scrolls seemed to fulfil this brief.
As space was limited, both inside and outside the property, the larger gate slides in behind the screens and half height wall, while the pedestrian gate opens either way against the wall. They are both manually operated.
- Closed
- Sliding gate opening
- Pedestrian gate closed
- Pedestrian gate open
- Screens from outside
- Screens from inside , showing the framework for the sliding gate to run within
Some details of work in progress;
- tesassembly of latch
- early stage – getting the opposing scrolls to marry up.
- Frames being sprayed
- Infill